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璀璨星空   永恆之光
GLAMOUR 再度探索絢爛宇宙|閃耀紅寶綻放永恆感動
Glamour Fine Jewelry以珍貴寶石、造型設計、珠寶工藝,以及藝術價值四大面向塑造的藝術珠寶,並以浩瀚無垠的宇宙與璀璨的點點星河作為啟發,創造每一款經典的傳世之作,為您的摯愛獻上永恆閃耀的感動。
Stellar Journey星際之旅 GLAMOUR頂級珠寶展
穿越多重宇宙的永恆感動|星際之旅 Stellar Journey 駿邑珠寶GLAMOUR頂級珠寶展
在地球之外有著令人著迷的星際時空,色彩斑斕的星雲與點點星河中蘊藏著無限生機;駿邑珠寶Glamour Fine Jewelry受到宇宙浩瀚無垠之美啟發,將設計觸角超越空間和時間,打造奔飛在宇宙星際之間熠熠閃耀的珠寶作品,因此奇巧非凡的『星際之旅』系列於焉誕生,不僅精萃寶石之中最純粹的美,更獻上永恆閃耀的感動。
璀璨星際 銀河之旅
Glamour <星際之旅 Stellar Journey>首度於JCK拉斯維加斯 珠寶鐘錶展 磅礴登場
永恆璀璨 真愛傳承
從香港國際珠寶展的華麗回歸,看 GLAMOUR 最值得珍藏的稀世彩鑽與彩寶
Stellar Journey
The New Chapter
Atlantean Allegory - Stellar Journey
《 Atlantean Allegory》
描摹美麗之洋與失落之城的《亞特蘭提斯物語 Atlantean Allegory》於2022年12月16日磅礡公開,盛大首映!這一部由台灣頂級珠寶品牌 GLAMOUR 駿邑珠寶,與著名水中攝影團隊「海人制作」首度攜手合作的精彩影片,內容講述傳說中曾經失落的神祕大陸——亞特蘭提斯,擁有無數珍稀罕見的瑰麗寶藏。
Atlantean Allegory
Who's to say there is no treasure under the ocean azure.
皇室經典 珍愛傳承
盤點 GLAMOUR 珠寶最值得傳世傳家的珍罕彩鑽
Stellar Journey
Explore the magnificent light of the universe
Stellar Journey
Fine Jewelry Shows in Kaohsiung and Singapore
Stellar Journey
The New Fine Jewelry Collection " Stellar Journey "
Presenting you a visual feast of glamour jewelry

(2022.08 Kaohsiung Jewelry Exhibition)
The shining star, Artemis
GLAMOUR Stellar Journey Part II
Fantasy Adventure
GLAMOUR Stellar Journey
浩瀚銀河 多重宇宙|GLAMOUR 星際之旅 Stellar Journey 系列帶您彈指穿梭美麗時空
跟著 GLAMOUR 的『星際之旅 Stellar Journey 』系列開始奇幻的星際冒險吧!登上 GLAMOUR 精心打造的幽浮太空船,彈指穿梭無數個平行宇宙與美妙星河,降落在屬於您的那顆最璀璨耀眼的星球,一同見證浩瀚宇宙的美麗與魅力!
流光溢彩 夢幻無垠
GLAMOUR 星際之旅 Stellar Journey 系列首部曲磅礴登場
跟著駿邑珠寶來趟【星際之旅Stellar Journey】 !一起降落銀河裡唯一閃耀斑斕火彩的「蛋白石」星球!
駿邑珠寶Glamour Fine Jewelry自推出『時尚維度』Vogue Dimension系列之後,設計觸角完全超越空間和時間,奔飛在宇宙的星際之間遙遠無邊;在這帶著無限星光與熠熠星辰之間,『星際之旅』系列就此誕生。
【Glamour Salon 璀璨沙龍】
被春天親吻過的彩色鑽石! 尋找真正萬中選一、聲勢看漲的大地寶藏
壬寅報喜 獨家敬獻
謹以珍稀罕見的殿堂級GLAMOUR 彩鑽 歡欣迎接金虎新年!
以無與倫比的 GLAMOUR 珠寶,歡欣禮讚美好年終佳節!
Aesthetic x Value
盛夏八月,是屬於火象獅子的季節,同時擁有魅力外放如驕陽般熾烈,與高貴自持如明月般冷豔氣質的獅子座女王,最適合用 GLAMOUR 絕美的珠寶妝點她獨特耀眼,令人無比心動的雙面魅力!
熱情豔夏 海洋幻境
Glamour Fine Jewelry Kaohsiung Exhibition
Precious and beautiful fine jewelry designed with flowing curves and fashion style.
Presenting you a beautiful glamour jewelry fashion show!

(2021.04 Kaohsiung Jewelry Exhibition)
<Vendome Square> , (March,2020)
Heritage Jewelry Forged by the Passage of Time
Mother Nature’s extraordinary gifts have created numerous magnificent marvels. Every precious gem is nurtured for at least millions of years in order to radiate the most dazzling and brilliant colors.

Glamour Fine Jewelry is devoted to creating everlasting masterpieces that showcase Mother Nature’s precious gift and highlight the beauty of these precious gems.

2019.12 Vintage Square
Atlantean Allegory
Glamour Fine Jewelry’s Latest “The cycle of karma” series, has finally published the final chapter, which is inspired by mermaids hailing from the lost city of Atlantis and bringing these ancient mythical creatures back to life.
Glamour Fine Jewelry has once again forged a new milestone in jewelry art and hopes that “Atlantean Allegory,” while being the final chapter of the “The cycle of karma" series, will also segue into an overture of ancient fables and dreams.
<Vintage Square>
“Beyond Beauty , Above Legacy”
Glamour’s latest representative collection was published in the well-known jewelry magazine <Vendome Square> . This brilliant and vibrant jewelry collection is about to go on a touring exhibition

We welcome all jewelry collectors to join Glamour,
to this dazzling jewelry art journey!
Glamour Fine Jewelry Exhibitions
Glamour Fine Jewelry has held Gem Exhibitions along with VIP shows in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, and various cities in Europe, and America.
Glamour also regularly holds high profile exhibitions to reveal our latest works to our clients who come from all around the world.
Glamour Fine Jewelry sincerely invites you to join us in this magnificent jewelry fantasy.

*Kaohsiung Exhibition Center
Aug. 21st~24th, 2020
"Glamour Journey"
In November of 2015,
Glamour Fine Jewelry published a limited hardcover edition of classical jewelry illustrations “Glamour Journey” : Set Sail (2006 to 2010) and Exploring (2011 to 2015) ,conveying the adventurous seafaring spirits whom sail into the unknown in search for precious gems across the world and creating a whole new chapter in the league of customized luxurious gemstone jewelry designs.
“Glamour Journey” is only reserved and gifted to the Glamour Fine Jewelry Collectors.