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穿越多重宇宙的永恆感動|星際之旅 Stellar Journey 駿邑珠寶GLAMOUR頂級珠寶展
在地球之外有著令人著迷的星際時空,色彩斑斕的星雲與點點星河中蘊藏著無限生機;駿邑珠寶Glamour Fine Jewelry受到宇宙浩瀚無垠之美啟發,將設計觸角超越空間和時間,打造奔飛在宇宙星際之間熠熠閃耀的珠寶作品,因此奇巧非凡的『星際之旅』系列於焉誕生,不僅精萃寶石之中最純粹的美,更獻上永恆閃耀的感動。
璀璨星際 銀河之旅
Glamour <星際之旅 Stellar Journey>首度於JCK拉斯維加斯 珠寶鐘錶展 磅礴登場
Stellar Journey
The New Chapter
Stellar Journey
Explore the magnificent light of the universe
Stellar Journey
The New Fine Jewelry Collection " Stellar Journey "
Presenting you a visual feast of glamour jewelry

(2022.08 Kaohsiung Jewelry Exhibition)
Glamour Fine Jewelry Kaohsiung Exhibition
Precious and beautiful fine jewelry designed with flowing curves and fashion style.
Presenting you a beautiful glamour jewelry fashion show!

(2021.04 Kaohsiung Jewelry Exhibition)
Glamour Fine Jewelry Exhibitions
Glamour Fine Jewelry has held Gem Exhibitions along with VIP shows in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, and various cities in Europe, and America.
Glamour also regularly holds high profile exhibitions to reveal our latest works to our clients who come from all around the world.
Glamour Fine Jewelry sincerely invites you to join us in this magnificent jewelry fantasy.

*Kaohsiung Exhibition Center
Aug. 21st~24th, 2020